Monday, August 31, 2009

Odds and ends!

This is what happens when Halle gets the camera!

Man I am getting tired of all these posts. So congrats if you have made it through them. This is my journal so I need to write these things down for my records. These are just a few cute pictures that we took and I wanted to include them. I guess this many posts will teach me to stay caught up....then again maybe not!

Just a cute smile from little Jax!

Trying to snuggle Jax. I don't think that the feeling is mutual. Do you?

Brinley and Halle got roller skates and they wanted to roller skate outside since they had only been trying them inside and on the carpet. Well Halle came in and asked if I had a bum pad for Brinley so she wouldn't hurt her bottom. I jokingly told her to tape a pillow to her bum, not thinking she would actually want to. Well here are the pictures to prove it. It was kind of fun taping her up because then when they were done they were kind of stuck, until I decided to help them!