So I guess that I just can't keep it a secret any longer............ I am PREGNANT! Finally after waiting for what seemed like forever! I am about 12 weeks now and I am due March 24th. Both of my other girls Birthdays are in March as well. Halle's in the 21st and Brinley's is the 31st. Oh Well, I guess I will just get them done all in the same month. I really don't care because I have wanted this for a long time. I have waited to make the announcement on here because I wanted to make sure that I was passed the critical stage of miscarriage. I haven't ever had a miscarriage but we have been trying for about 2 years now! I went back and forth about whether to put this on my blog but I decided that I wanted to because I want to track my pregnancy and my thoughts and be able to go back and read them. (So this may be a long post!) We had actually done everything we could with my OB/GYN as far as fertility goes so he sent us to a fertility doctor. We went and saw him and we both were not impressed that we needed to continue any further. All of out tests came back normal and we cold not figure out what was wrong.
We had talked that we were going to start the whole adoption process because we had friends that just went through it and had a wonderful experience. We felt like maybe this is what we needed to do because you see, when we got married we always wanted a lot of children, like 10! (Don't worry, I am getting way to old to have 10, that's why we were hoping there was more then one in there...but we are sure there isn't) So we talked about trying the fertility drugs one more month and if nothing happened then we would set up the appointment for adoption. Well I took the pills to start my period and a week later it never came. So I called the doctor and they told me to wait until it had been two weeks. So long story short, I took the test and it came back positive! Then I had to take about 4 more and a blood pregnancy test just to make sure. Nate always teases me that I bought all of Walmart's pregnancy tests!
Our kids are so excited. Brinley didn't know what to think at first. She had been crying before this happened on a few occasions telling me that if we had another baby, we would forget all about her and love the baby more. Halle has wanted a baby for a long time. When we were struggling with getting pregnant and a few times I had been a little teary. Halle told me, "Mom all you have to do it say, (as she folds her arms)"Heavenly Father, I want a baby" and then he will give you a baby, just like that". Oh the faith of a child. Sometimes I wish I had as much as they do! She has been asking for a baby for a long time when we says her prays at night. Now she thanks him for the baby brother, so we'll see!
Everyone keeps asking if I want a boy but I really don't care about the sex of the baby. I know you hear this all the time, but we had problems with both of our girls when they were born. I told Nate I just want one that doesn't have ANY problems and that we can take home from the hospital without any problems. I don't feel strong either way. At first I thought maybe a boy because I felt really good and with my girls I was sick. But then the nausea set in and it is always worse at night so now I think maybe a girl? I have been more sick this time around but I don't know if it is because I have two to take care of already and maybe because I am getting older! Who knows, but I am not complaining, because I have wanted this for a long time. I guess it is a good sign that I am sick and at least I know it is going to be totally worth it!
So there you have my exhausting, long story but I wanted to make sure and have it documented for my memory more then anything! We will hopefully find out in two weeks what it is. I always wanted to wait, but maybe if I had one of each so I could be ready. Okay probably not I am not good at surprises! We'll keep you posted!
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5 years ago
I'm so happy for you!!!!! I hope it all goes good, and you aren't too sick for too long. Don't worry after you have the 3rd, 10 seems like way too many anyway. I wanted lots of kids too, then I had lots!! LOL Only 4, but that's a lot. I would never be able to wait to find out what I was having. I think it's fun to know and pick out names and clothes. hehe. Congratulations!
Whoa...that must have been posted like only minutes ago! LOL I was on Andrea's page...and then discovered you and your family, and when I accidentally closed the window and brought up another the new post was there! EXCITING! Glad I could hear the news. Anyhow...its been a long time and you are racking your brain going I know this guy...but 10 years has gone by...just an old acquaintance/friend from BEHS. And I wanted to say hello. Your family looks great! I am happy to see so many of us of class of 97 are still strong in the gospel and have great lives and families. I look forward to staying in touch. Visit my page any time!
Eric B and Family.
YAY!!!! Congratulations!! That is soooo exciting! I didn't know that your girls had problems in the hospital after birth! My little Grayson gave us a BIG scare and was in NICU for 11 days! (seemed like FOREVER!) I hope this baby is a healthy little stinker and can come HOME with you! What a story! I am glad it all worked out! Here's to a happy...HEALTHY 9 months!
(Try some ginger tea for nausea! It helps!!)
Yay congrats!! I hope you feel better soon!
I can't wait to see what you are having! Your girls will both be so helpful, it will be great! Sometimes maybe a little too helpful. I am so happy for you guys! Hopefully you should start to feel better soon. Unless you are one of those who are sick all the time....oh I hope not! That would be fun if it were a boy. Boys are fun! But, I'm glad I only have one! Let me know if you need anything! Love your guts!!!
Congrats! I'm so excited for you guys. Hope you feel better soon. It's so hard to be sick and take care of kids. Good luck.
Yeah Yeah Yeah...don't forget to call me when you find out.
OH MY GOSH! I love that we will have another one the same age-almost the EXACT age! I'm due April 3. CONGRATS! Your post made me teary-a baby couldn't ask for a greater set of parents or home to come too. You guys are wonderful! I too have been SO sick. Most days I am lucky to get dressed, so I'm feeling ya on that! Oh I am so excited for you guys and your adorable girls! Congrats again!
YEA!!! congrats!!! I am super excited for you!
Yea!! It was so fun seeing you, of all places... in line at Taco time:) Love it!!! We need to get together before our vacation!!!!!! Good luck with the sickness... Zofran saved my life:) Hope you get feeling better!!
CONGRATS!!! Hope you are feeling well and that these next months don't last too long especially with two eager sisters.
Congrats!!! That is so wonderful to hear! If you ever decide to go the adoption route to get the other 7 you let me know. I have some hook ups in that area...anyway, conrats again!!!
Angie- Congrats! That's great news. I think you should totally have/adopt 7 more kids. Think of the wildness.
Hey Ang,
I came across your blog through a blog through another blog etc.
So... great to hear that you guys are doing so well! I haven't seen you forever! Congrats on the baby! I know exactly how you feel- your experience is really similar to what we have been through. We were trying for a very long time and finally decided to go the adoption route. We were 50% done with the process of adopting a 1 and 2 year old sibling pair when we found out that I was pregnant. We were so excited and prayed to see if we should still adopt the two boys and the answer came back as no. We then found out that I was pregnant with twins but one dropped. So now we are expecting one little boy. I think Heavenly Father sometimes just wants to see how bad we want it. Anyway, your girls are so cute and big! Email me so we can catch up! Love ya, Chany
Angie, I found your blog from Darci's. I am always asking my mom if she see's you and I sometimes drive by your parents house when I'm home just to see if you are out. Congrats. I have yet to experience issues with getting pregnant. Hopefully when it's time for #3 things will still be the same, but you never know. Check out my blog Your girls are adorable. Glad to see you guys are doing well. Darci said you guys just bought Peach City. That's awesome. I hope that is going well too.
Melissa Jackson (Saunders)
Congratulations guys! I am so excited for you! I wish you were feeling a little better tho. Brinley and Halle were so cute the other day at grandmas. (I think you and Nate were at a concert). Brinley was giving us the play by play of your ultrasound you had taken them to apparently...too funny! So they seemed very excited for the new baby! :)
Angie, I was reading this and wanted to call you right away and then I looked at the clock and it might be a little late. That is so exciting!! I am sooooo happy for you guys! Sorry I am just noticing this post now (Sept 21) and sending congrats a little late...but this is just awesome! Another March baby, how fun!
YAY!! Congratulations that is sooo awesome! I am so happy for you and I know what you mean about keeping a secret, it is IMPOSSIBLE!!! ;)
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