Friday, August 21, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Okay so I promise this is my last post for today. I am going to bed. I had to include this one of Jaxston. He reminded me of Nate in this picture. Still such an easy going baby. He was so good everyday at swimming lessons. He would just fall asleep on my shoulder or in the stroller. I am just loving this little guy!

Always so happy!

My girls were so excited to take swimming lessons. They loved every day and they actually learned a lot this year. I felt like it was well worth it! Halle used to not even get into the water without clinging to my side and now she will go down the slide by herself. It was fun watching them swim and learn new things. They would get so excited to tell me what they learned. It makes me so sad that they are growing up so fast! I wish I would just freeze time and enjoy them while they are young. It really has been fun having them home all day this summer. I can honestly say that I don't want to send them back to school. They have become quite the little friends. They could play together all day and not get sick of each other. (But I could do without the cat fights and name calling). I just love that I am still important to them right now and I know in a few years that will change. That will be hard for me!


Aimee & Brennen Fuller said...

LOVE that top picture of Jaxston. He is just so cute and is cuter every time I see him. Sounds like you have had a great summer with family. At least Christmas is only a few months away!

Brad and Jamie said...

Ang, your family is so so sooo cute! Little Jaxston is getting so big too. My goodness, time does fly. I loved that picture of you holding Jaxston on the bench at the swimming pool, you both looked adorable.